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Ryan Hsu
2023년 10월 21일2분 분량
A simple click that changed biochemistry
What is click chemistry? What is it capable of? Author: Ryan Hsu Editor: Youhyun (Spany) Noh Click chemistry sounds simple, but do you...
조회수 116회댓글 0개
Ethan Oh
2023년 10월 21일3분 분량
DSB Repair Pathway
The double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway is a crucial element in ensuring the stability of DNA during meiosis. To understand this...
조회수 105회댓글 0개
Sara Park
2023년 10월 19일4분 분량
Fluoride Myths Debunked
Fluoride, the ionic form of fluorine, is actually embedded in our daily life either intentionally or naturally through fluoridated water,...
조회수 5회댓글 0개
(Julie) Yuju Hwang
2023년 8월 15일3분 분량
Maintaining pH Harmony: Unveiling the Power of the Bicarbonate Buffer System
Author: Yuju (Julie) Hwang The bicarbonate system plays a critical role in maintaining the body's acid-base balance, ensuring that the...
조회수 21회댓글 0개
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