Soee Park2023년 7월 23일1분 분량PsychologyNeural-Mechanism of Epileptic Seizure ExplainedBy Soee Park Subtitle: Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. While the causes of the condition...
Tommy Jang2023년 7월 23일4분 분량AstronomyTerraforming Mars: Different Ideas And Their Difficulties By Tommy Jang Subheading: Scientists in the space exploration community have proposed various methods of terraforming Mars, i.e.,...
Ricky Jang2023년 7월 23일6분 분량PsychologyStudy Report on Social Media’s Influence on Social Relationships and Individual’s CapacitySubheading: It is evident that the advancement in technology and the advent of social media has brought a difference in social...
Andrew Shim2023년 7월 23일3분 분량BotanyTypes and Mechanisms of Tropism By Andrew Shim Subheading: Ways plants grow towards a direction based on stimulus such as light or touch. Have you ever left a plant next...
Bolt Yi2023년 7월 23일2분 분량TechnologyTerahertz Imager Microchip Can Make Breakthroughs in Many AreasBy Bolt Yi Subheading: Recently, researchers of The University of Texas at Dallas and Oklahoma State University, have created a new...