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Soee Park
2023년 10월 21일11분 분량
Review of the global COVID-19 pandemic and the SARS-CoV-2
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has challenged the existing scientific knowledge and socioeconomic issues, and transformed the...
조회수 7회댓글 0개
Seohee Choy
2023년 10월 21일2분 분량
ICT in Rwanda
Author: Seohee Choy *Issue article does NOT represent corresponding political view of the writers. Teachers say that the only challenge...
조회수 7회댓글 0개
Chaeyoon Lee
2023년 10월 21일4분 분량
Body's major organ, Skin
Regenerative Capacity of the Skin Author: Chaeyoon Lee Editor: Jiho Chang Majority of people think that the skin is a main protection of...
조회수 11회댓글 0개
Yunwha Lee
2023년 10월 21일5분 분량
Animal Cloning Research
Basic Research - Stem cellSourcesStem cell Stem cells are unspecialized cells. Therefore, Stem cells can differentiate by having various...
조회수 6회댓글 0개
Minseo Kim
2023년 10월 21일5분 분량
Parental Genetic Testing
Writer: Minseo Kim Editor: Minjae Shin In this test, a needle is inserted through the abdomen to obtain a small amount of amniotic fluid...
조회수 7회댓글 0개
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