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Bolt Yi
2023년 10월 17일3분 분량
Artificial Neurons Can Cure Alzheimer
Artificial Neurons are a fairly modern piece of technology that is starting to be widely used in the field of medicine and biology....
조회수 31회댓글 0개
Seun(Eric) Kim
2023년 8월 20일6분 분량
3 Reasons Science Says Ocean Discharge of Fukushima Contaminated Water is OK
Author: Seun(Eric) Kim Sub-Heading: Scientific evidence demonstrates the ocean discharge of Fukushima’s treated water to be the safest...
조회수 40회댓글 0개
SeungJun Lee
2023년 8월 20일4분 분량
Our shield to A.I.’s fierce spear
Author: SeungJun Lee Sub-Heading: The speed of A.I. development surpasses our expectations. While we benefit from A.I., we cannot...
조회수 10회댓글 0개
Apple(UYoung) Jun
2023년 8월 20일3분 분량
Citizen Science: Finding from “Stress-induced plasticity of a CRH/GABA projection disrupts reward be
Author: Apple UYoung Jun Sub-Heading: This article is a more accessible summary of several key findings of the esoteric piece...
조회수 12회댓글 0개
Kangmin (Alex) Baek
2023년 8월 20일2분 분량
What is a Stem Cell and Is Stem Cell an Omnipotent Treatment?
Author: Kangmin (Alex) Baek There has been a recent trend of stem cell therapy around the world, and some people call it an omnipotent...
조회수 23회댓글 0개
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