Jerome Kwon2023년 8월 20일4분 분량BiologyThe significance of tumor suppressor protein p53 and its effects on cancer formationAuthor: Jerome Kwon Abstract: P53, often referred to as the tumor protein, is a regulatory protein that plays a significant role in the...
Jian Kim2023년 8월 20일3분 분량SocialHow to Rebuild Homes for RefugeesAuthor: Jian Kim Subheading: This paper aims to foster an understanding of climate change’s impacts on small island refugees. It also...
Sage (Yoonjae) Lee2023년 8월 18일3분 분량MedicalA New Approach to Combating Cancer: the mRNA VaccineAuthor: Sage (Yoonjae) Lee Traditional vaccines inserting weakened versions of a virus may not be all to treating diseases; the messenger...
Daniel Kim2023년 8월 16일3분 분량TechnologyGlobal Integration of STEM in the Business MarketAuthor: Daniel Kim Overview: This article aims to explore the integration of STEM into the business field. Within various areas of...
Seoyeon Shin2023년 8월 15일3분 분량BiologyUnraveling the Constraints for the Treatment of Symptomatic Dermographism and the Reason WhyAuthor: Seoyeon Shin Sub-Heading: Symptomatic Dermographism, more commonly known as “skin writing,” is a condition in which rubbing or...