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Ruby Kim
2023년 10월 19일4분 분량
Cancer Cells
Cancer has recently become a comparatively common disease among people. While it’s known that the death rate for cancer is extremely...
조회수 17회댓글 0개
James Cheon
2023년 10월 19일6분 분량
Myopia progression and Puberty
Before puberty, what you do not notice is your eyes getting worse. You always listen to your parents nagging at you for not reading books...
조회수 12회댓글 0개
Ben Park
2023년 10월 17일3분 분량
Material Ecology
Material Ecology is an emerging field in science pioneered by Neri Oxman, who leads the Mediated Matter research group as a professor and...
조회수 46회댓글 0개
Chaeyoon Lee
2023년 10월 17일4분 분량
Body’s major organ, Skin
Sub-Heading: Regenerative Capacity of the Skin Author: Chaeyoon Lee Editor: Jiho Chang Majority of people think that the skin is a main...
조회수 5회댓글 0개
Kangmin (Alex) Baek
2023년 8월 20일2분 분량
What is a Stem Cell and Is Stem Cell an Omnipotent Treatment?
Author: Kangmin (Alex) Baek There has been a recent trend of stem cell therapy around the world, and some people call it an omnipotent...
조회수 23회댓글 0개
Jerome Kwon
2023년 8월 20일4분 분량
The significance of tumor suppressor protein p53 and its effects on cancer formation
Author: Jerome Kwon Abstract: P53, often referred to as the tumor protein, is a regulatory protein that plays a significant role in the...
조회수 18회댓글 0개
Sage (Yoonjae) Lee
2023년 8월 18일3분 분량
A New Approach to Combating Cancer: the mRNA Vaccine
Author: Sage (Yoonjae) Lee Traditional vaccines inserting weakened versions of a virus may not be all to treating diseases; the messenger...
조회수 5회댓글 0개
(Julie) Yuju Hwang
2023년 8월 15일3분 분량
Maintaining pH Harmony: Unveiling the Power of the Bicarbonate Buffer System
Author: Yuju (Julie) Hwang The bicarbonate system plays a critical role in maintaining the body's acid-base balance, ensuring that the...
조회수 21회댓글 0개
Alex Lee
2023년 7월 4일3분 분량
Hangnails: Trite Anxiety Issue Resolved
Subheading: Hangails are common to heal without any infection. Notwithstanding, we must prevent the occurrences by utilizing nail...
조회수 21회댓글 0개
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