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Please carefully read through all the attached files before submitting your writing(s).

[Article Template]
[Research Template]
[Infographic Template]

Submission Guide


Please use the following steps as a guide to your article(s) submission

Step #1: Submit Electronic Submission Form


All submissions must be received through the Electronic Submission Form linked below. In order for Electronic Submission Form to be considered complete, the following components must be either uploaded or entered through the Form:


  • Submitter’s Personal Information

  • Submission (in either .docx or .pdf format; must abide by the offered Templates)

  • Additional Personal Information


We thoroughly review whether each submission has (1) provided all necessary information requested by the Writing Department and (2) followed all critical Templates and Guidelines. If the issue is minor, the Editor will request edits from the submitter; if the issue is major, the Editor may disqualify the submission, and the submission will NOT be reviewed. 

Step #2: Preliminary Review


Preliminary Review is the first step of our review process, whereby articles are determined of their acceptance into JES. There are three possible responses you may receive within 3~5 business days of your submission: 


  • Accepted: This is an extremely rare case, where the Editor identifies no edits necessary to the submission. If “accepted,” the submission proceeds directly to Step #5 (Manuscript Editing). Again, this is a highly rare circumstance.

  • Accepted Pending Presentation Changes: This is the most common case for the submissions we receive. If “accepted pending presentation changes,” the submission will undergo a series of extensive revisions prior to publication. The Writer is responsible for proactively communicating with the Editor during Steps #3~5. 

  • Rejected: If “rejected,” the submission will not proceed to any further revision or review. 

Step #3: Scientific Review


If “accepted pending presentation changes,” the submission is thoroughly reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee comprising our network of trusted Editors. The Committee exhaustively evaluates the (1) scientific expertise, (2) conceptual accuracy, and (3) logical cohesiveness of the submission. The Editor’s Letter enumerating both required and recommended edits is conferred to the submitter within 3~5 business days following Preliminary Review. Submitters are typically provided two weeks to make necessary revisions and re-submit; some Editors may require cover letter if applicable. This may involve multiple rounds.

Step #4: Copy Editing


Once the Scientific Review Committee approves the submission, the submission is then conferred to the Copy Editing Committee. The Committee extensively reviews the (1) scientific expression, (2) logical flow, and (3) conventions of the submission. The Editor’s Letter enumerating both required and recommended changes is filed to the submitter within 3~5 days following Copy Editing. Submitters are typically provided two weeks to make necessary revisions and re-submit; some Editors may require a cover letter if applicable. This may involve multiple rounds.


Step #5: Manuscript Editing


Following Copy Editing, the submission is transferred to Manuscript Editing Committee. The Committee ensures that the polished draft is compatible with both the electronic and hard copy versions of our publication. The final manuscript is conferred to the submitter within 3~5 days following Manuscript Editing. Submitters are required to confirm their manuscripts and request additional revisions if applicable. 


Step #6: Publication & Public Release


All approved manuscripts are now published on the JES website; to celebrate the submitter’s work, we actively release the work through our various social media channels (primarily Instagram and LinkedIn). All works receive a formal citation (in MLA, APA, Harvard, and Chicago formats) and digital object identifier (DOI). All non-faculty publications are also published in our regular print issues and are shipped to the submitter’s mailing address if applicable; please check your email semi-regularly to receive necessary updates.

Submission FAQ


FAQ #1: Can I submit multiple submissions?


Yes, you may submit multiple submissions. However, each submission must be submitted through a single electronic submission form. For instance, if you are submitting two submissions, you must complete two separate electronic submission forms. Accordingly, the editing process for each submission occurs on an independent, individual basis.


FAQ #2: Can I collaborate with other people?


Yes, you may collaborate with other people to compose your submissions. However, only ONE representative submitter must complete the electronic submission form. If you indicate group submission through the electronic submission form, the relevant Committee(s) will reach out to you to ensure that all attributions are appropriately acknowledged.


FAQ #3: My article was rejected. What should I do?


There are many reasons behind the potential rejection. This may include but is not limited to (1) excessive plagiarism, (2) scientific incompatibility/falsification, (3) logical fallacy, and (4) formatting inconsistencies. Thus, we highly encourage all submitters to carefully review our Writing Guidelines and Templates to ensure that each submission contains no grounds for rejection. If rejected, you are welcome to re-submit after making the necessary revisions.

Submit Now


After you read all the guidelines listed on Submit page, please use the form below to submit your writing(s).

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